Girl You Ought To Be Ashamed

Posted on Saturday, July 11, 2009 by Alexandria

So I spent!!!!!!

Not meaning to. I think I spent 31$. The first was $25 (actually 24.95) for my full credit report. I wanted to see where exactly I stood financial wise on the FICO scale.

Not bad but I definitely wish they were higher. I guess it's not so bad for being 22 years old. But some of my friends are above me by 20 to 30 points.

Another reason why I spent money to see the whole report is I was looking at the summary and it had an installment section. It had a picture of a car and a balance of over 17,000. First thoughts that were going through my head were: why, how, what. I was panicking I felt my heart pacing faster and faster.

I knew that I had to purchase my full credit report. And when I did and I looked at the amounts over the 3 credit bureaus I saw that its just my student loans.

But I think its so crazy the cost of education. I have close to $20,000 in student loans. It is the cost that I must bear in order to pursue the career that I'm passionate about. ACCOUNTING!!!!!

I just can't wait to be debt free. I look with extreme admiration to the personal finance bloggers whose blogs I follow, almost religiously. I hope that one day I will be able to live life completely or more financially competent than I am right now.

I started freaking out because I don't have my license let alone a car. That was my #1 motivation

The second thing that I bought was lunch on my birthday at chick fil a. $5.82 for the chicken sandwich meal.

It wasn't all a bust. Some of the purchases that caused me to go into the red I took back and returned. I also transferred money from my payroll card into my checking account. I still can't believe that my paycheck wasn't direct deposited into my checking account as I set it up to do so way before my most recent paycheck.

I really am going to get a hold of my financial setback and I realize now that I cannot altogether cut out spending. I think that my goal now is to start on a cash basis. If I want something I have to pay for it with cash.

If I'm hungry--use cash.
If I need to wash clothes, buy groceries or essentials--use cash.

This way when I get back to UNCG I will be in the cash mindset.

I'm using this as a learning experience to definitely not get in the red ever again.

Wish me luck!

2 Responses to "Girl You Ought To Be Ashamed":

ashley says:

Yeah, using cash only works for a lot of people! It would definitely be worth it to try!

Alexandria says:

I've gotten a lot better at just using cash. Also I'm getting better at telling myself no as well. I think I need to fill my time with something other than thinking about shopping. Maybe continue working on the scarf that I'm supposed to be making.