Posted on Monday, July 27, 2009 by Alexandria

So I've had a lot of freetime lately but have not used that to update my blog. Shame on me.


  • I haven't worked for 3 weeks. This upsets me a lot. I was hoping I could at least get some hours this week.
  • I love my hair.
Yes my hair looks a hot mess but its my hot mess. I think I'll detangle it tonite and then co wash in the morning.

I'm trying out this new thing....well not exactly new but new to me. I'm co-washing frequently trying to get it to grow. I read on a hair forum that someone did this but had a sore scalp but lots of growth.

I can deal with a sore scalp if necessary--I think it was from her leaving in the conditioners in for a day then washing it out that night or the next day.

I find myself playing with my new growth a lot. Its fun to me; and also I play with my ends since they aren't permed. Its so weird I have 3 inches of perm in the middle of my hair. in between my curly new growth and my curly ends.

Its a bit unmanageable right now. But I'm trying not to manipulate it too much.

My goal for my hair is no direct heat until October or whenever the capstone exam for my last management class is. I haven't even really wanted to use heat lately. I love watching my hair airdry.

I don't actually sit in front of a mirror and watch it dry. I just let it be then next thing I know its not dripping wet anymore. Then the ends are dry, and the the rest starts to dry.

Oh thats all I have to say so,



Posted on Thursday, July 16, 2009 by Alexandria

I'm getting less negative.

My direct deposit kicked in. So hopefully I'll get some hours this week so that I can finally get out of this rut.

Other related bank news. I got my savings account packet in the mail either yesterday or the day before. So now I have a couple of forms to sign and then return to the bank along with putting some money in the account. When I started the account I was told I have 45 days to deposit some money in the account. I'll definitely be back in Greensboro by then, hopefully employed.

I'm excited that finally I feel that I'm gaining control of my finances. HOWEVER, I am ashamed of the circumstances.

I'd much rather have an epiphany than be forced due to being almost $200 in the red a week ago.

Better late than never.

So I was going through some things of mine!

Posted on Saturday, July 11, 2009 by Alexandria

Specifically I was looking at my savings account package from when I had opened it--it has now been closed for a few months. That was a dumb mistake on my part.

I have the student checking account and as a stipulation I can get one free service charge waiver. This is something that I did not know I had. Hopefully I can use this to get one of the overdraft charges waived. I've never had an overdraft charged waived in the 5 years that I've had the account.

I really hope this is possible! I could definitely use any reduction possible.

On another note, I forgot about the fact that I'm enrolled in the Visa Rewards Program via my debit card. So to help me get back into the black I ordered 4, $4 gift cards. I definitely will be using them to be put into my account. That cost me 8,000 points--2,000 points each x 4 cards. Hopefully they will get here asap! Definitely will be extremely helpful.

I'm also thinking that maybe I should/can do a yard sale. Definitely not at my house because I live deep in the country, I would have to travel to a more visible spot. I have a lot of things that I no longer use or in some cases never used. Clothes, books, other stuff.

I really have a shopping problem which hopefully is getting under control now that I realize the error of my ways. That would be a great way to generate some extra income to help out with my bank situation and any extra could go into the savings account that I need to set up again.

Speaking of a savings account. I wonder if I could just reopen the account that I once closed. I still have the deposit slips and that would be wonderful for when I need to deposit some funds.

Girl You Ought To Be Ashamed

Posted on by Alexandria

So I spent!!!!!!

Not meaning to. I think I spent 31$. The first was $25 (actually 24.95) for my full credit report. I wanted to see where exactly I stood financial wise on the FICO scale.

Not bad but I definitely wish they were higher. I guess it's not so bad for being 22 years old. But some of my friends are above me by 20 to 30 points.

Another reason why I spent money to see the whole report is I was looking at the summary and it had an installment section. It had a picture of a car and a balance of over 17,000. First thoughts that were going through my head were: why, how, what. I was panicking I felt my heart pacing faster and faster.

I knew that I had to purchase my full credit report. And when I did and I looked at the amounts over the 3 credit bureaus I saw that its just my student loans.

But I think its so crazy the cost of education. I have close to $20,000 in student loans. It is the cost that I must bear in order to pursue the career that I'm passionate about. ACCOUNTING!!!!!

I just can't wait to be debt free. I look with extreme admiration to the personal finance bloggers whose blogs I follow, almost religiously. I hope that one day I will be able to live life completely or more financially competent than I am right now.

I started freaking out because I don't have my license let alone a car. That was my #1 motivation

The second thing that I bought was lunch on my birthday at chick fil a. $5.82 for the chicken sandwich meal.

It wasn't all a bust. Some of the purchases that caused me to go into the red I took back and returned. I also transferred money from my payroll card into my checking account. I still can't believe that my paycheck wasn't direct deposited into my checking account as I set it up to do so way before my most recent paycheck.

I really am going to get a hold of my financial setback and I realize now that I cannot altogether cut out spending. I think that my goal now is to start on a cash basis. If I want something I have to pay for it with cash.

If I'm hungry--use cash.
If I need to wash clothes, buy groceries or essentials--use cash.

This way when I get back to UNCG I will be in the cash mindset.

I'm using this as a learning experience to definitely not get in the red ever again.

Wish me luck!

So I know this Guy

Posted on Wednesday, July 8, 2009 by Alexandria

Who knows this guy....and so on. I love that line from spongebob.

But I feel torn. There's this guy that I used to like when I was a wee freshman. Now that I'm a senior and graduating this year and he's back in the area he wants us to date. I don't know if I should date him on the sole fact that he now knows how I used to feel. (I'm not the one to express my feelings. I don't take rejection well--and the possibility that I'd get rejected is so great-in my mind- that I choose not to express my feelings.)

There's this other guy who I was sort of dating, and we both still have feelings for each other. I really do like him but just not some of his ways. He's sort of still in the area as he's going to grad school in another city.

I don't know what to do. The guy that wants us to date, I don't know how I feel about him because I used to like him so much and as time wore on those feelings subsided. It has me wondering if those feelings are still there, and if not what do I do.

The other guy my friends really don't like him and feel he's not good for me. While parts of his personality I could care less for overall he makes me happy.

Bump In The Road

Posted on by Alexandria

So I've reached a bump in the road. I checked my bank account today; lo and behold I'm negative.

This is a huge setback for me especially since I have been doing so well at not going negative. During the first year or two of having my bank account or just any account I went negative constantly. I've been in the black consecutively for about 2 years. I consider that an accomplishment especially since I love to spend money.

I'm convinced that it is an addiction as there are members of my family that suffer from other addictions. I need to get control of it.

I came to the source which is a payment that took too long to come out of my account. This puts a damper in my plan.

So my new revised plan:

  • Step up my efforts to get a second job.
  • Transfer the remaining money from my payroll card into my checking account. <--This is where I went negative. I thought my direct deposit had kicked in but it didn't. At least not yet.
  • Once my account gets back in the black start selling on ebay. Hopefully I can sell enough items to generate a little bit of extra income.
  • Definitely stop spending. My new goal is to only spend money at the grocery store. Or if I have any cash. Also start saving my cash and/or deposit it into my checking account.
  • I think I will stop taking my wallet when I go somewhere because that will just most likely ensure that I will spend money.
Hopefully I get back on track ASAP because I have my cell phone bill coming up. And next month I have 3 bills to pay. The rest will definitely be saved. No more spending for me.

In fact I'll try to make that a goal. No more frivolous spending until August 20th. Only paying bills and occasionally getting something to eat. Sometimes I don't have time to eat before work and I'll need to get something cheap on the way.


Posted on Monday, July 6, 2009 by Alexandria

I haven't update in quite a while so I figure now is better than never.

  • I'm going to try to go natural again. I broke down and got a perm a month ago because my grandma was pressuring me. Now I feel weird bc my hair is straight at the roots but its also damaged on the ends.
  • I can graduate in December but I think I'll wait until may because I don't want to become extremely stressed out and Greensboro has so many more opportunities than Monroe does.
  • My birthday is Friday. Can't wait. I don't know what I'm doing yet.
  • This year I definitely want to get out of debt. I only have about <1500>
  • I think I want to go to UNCG for grad school. I'm really looking forward to it.
  • I sincerely hope that I get my license. Yes I'm 21 going on 22 without a license but I don't really need it until after I graduate so hopefully by then I'll definitely have it.
  • That means I need to practice driving. Oy vey.
There's a lot more going on its just I named the few that popped in my head at the moment.

Have a great day!!!!!