So I know this Guy

Posted on Wednesday, July 8, 2009 by Alexandria

Who knows this guy....and so on. I love that line from spongebob.

But I feel torn. There's this guy that I used to like when I was a wee freshman. Now that I'm a senior and graduating this year and he's back in the area he wants us to date. I don't know if I should date him on the sole fact that he now knows how I used to feel. (I'm not the one to express my feelings. I don't take rejection well--and the possibility that I'd get rejected is so great-in my mind- that I choose not to express my feelings.)

There's this other guy who I was sort of dating, and we both still have feelings for each other. I really do like him but just not some of his ways. He's sort of still in the area as he's going to grad school in another city.

I don't know what to do. The guy that wants us to date, I don't know how I feel about him because I used to like him so much and as time wore on those feelings subsided. It has me wondering if those feelings are still there, and if not what do I do.

The other guy my friends really don't like him and feel he's not good for me. While parts of his personality I could care less for overall he makes me happy.

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