Got a Job!

Posted on Monday, May 25, 2009 by Alexandria

I finally found a summer job. Might try to get a second one as well. That way I can defintely have a way to meet my savings goals for this year.

I have orientation for the job on tuesday so today I have to go through my clothes and see if I have black pants and a black or white collared shirt.

I really don't think I have these essentials. That is unacceptable because those are so basic.

Shame on me. That may just mean I have to buy those tomorrow and buy a few of each since I may be working more than one day a week.

Not cool why am I not prepared for this.

2009 Goals

Posted on by Alexandria

Yes it may be the middle of the year but it's never too late to set goals for yourself right? Exactly!

So here are my goals(in no particular order).......

Get out of debt-this is a must it's not a lot of debt's still debt.

Buy a new laptop. Preferably a mac but anything is better my computer is so old.

Back up important files onto my external harddrive. The only files I have on there now are music files.

Save!!!! My goal is to save $1000. Hopefully more because I feel that after this year when I graduate I'll need a car. Also I'll probably need money saved for a security deposit on an apartment.

Improve my GPA. Right now it's still a 3.something but my goal is 3.3 or better.

Apply to grad schools and take the gmat.

Eat healthier and exercise more.

I think that my goals are attainable. I will just need to apply self discipline. That means continuing my self imposed facebook hiatus. That is a HUGE time waster in my life.

Cutting back on shopping may help as well. I love express but its putting me in debt that I'm determined to get out of. Maybe when I go shopping the total of my purchases must go to saving as well. Maybe at least 20% or more. That way I can have my cake and eat it too!

I've done well with not buying so much music. I gave it up for lent and surprisingly I didn't miss it and I went til may without buying music.

When I did buy music I bought 7 songs. They were either jazz or standards. Gotta love Gene Kelly!!! I know I do.

Here's to self discipline so that I won't fail or just completely disregard my goals.