Discouraged! Very discouraged. I don't think I'll find a job this semester especially since the semester is almost over.
I really don't want to have to ask my mama for money but I know I will. I hate that so much.
I keep applying to places and keep getting passed over! Can I even get an interview please?
Also I applied to the SPX 2-year accounting and finance rotational program and got passed over.
I really just feel so discouraged right now! I'm not meaning to rant but would like to get these feelings off my chest.
I wish that I could find something at the moment. I'd take just about anything right now!
That is all I have to say for right now.
How I'm Feeling Right Now....
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Nothing New
So I still don't have a job. I have enough money for bills thru the end of the semester or just about. I know that soon I'm gonna need my mama to help me out a bit which I hate. Just looking for a job although I probably wont find anything this semester.
In that case that I don't find a job, I have been more productive so that hopefully I can start to get more school work done and improve my grades. I don't wanna get C's and have no job. Thats not conducive to much of anything.
My plans for the week: cut my hair!
I'm thinking of cutting off about an inch at least! That is all I have to say!
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Updated Sidebars
I don't have much to say but I updated my sidebars....
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